Voor de verpleegkundige die zich verwondert en voor wie de zorg beter kan!

Verpleegkundige interventies lijkt de makkelijkste stap in het bepalen welke verpleegkundige zorg er gegeven moet gaan worden. Er zijn echter vele handelingen die verpleegkundigen wel uit mogen voeren, maar die niet voortkomen uit eigen diagnostiek. Die worden ook wel afgeleide taken genoemd. Dat zijn alle interventies die de verpleegkundige in opdracht van of samen met een andere discipline uitvoert. Een verpleegkundige interventie komt voort uit een verpleegkundige diagnose. De interventie heeft een relatie met de etiologie of samenhangende factoren. Het percentage verpleegkundige interventies verschilt per verpleegsituatie en is in de wijk waarschijnlijk hoger dan op een afdeling in het ziekenhuis.

Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) kan ons hierbij helpen. 

Types of Nursing Interventions 

The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) system involves several levels of classification, with the first level containing seven primary focus points, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Level one contains the following sectors, or types of interventions::

  • Community Nursing Interventions – focus primarily on overall public health initiatives, such as planning a free 5k race in your town, or implementing a free diabetes education program.
  • Family Nursing Interventions – involve intervention that impacts an entire family, such as a program that offers support for new mothers learning how to breastfeed. 
  • Behavioral Nursing Interventions – offer assistance, including actions, that help a patient change their own behavior. An example of a Behavioral nursing intervention would be offering support and coping methods for a patient who wishes to quit smoking.
  • Health System Nursing Interventions – These involve actions taken by nurses as part of a healthcare team, focusing on things like patient safety. These may include procedures that reduce the risk of infection for patients during stays at a hospital.
  • Physiological Nursing Interventions: Both Basic and Complex – These are related to a patient’s physical health. Nursing interventions of this type come in two categories: Basic and Complex. An example of this form of intervention would be physiological procedures such as providing IV fluids to a patient who is dehydrated.
  • Safety Nursing Interventions – Actions that are aimed to help maintain a patient’s overall safety and well-being. An example of Safety Nursing Interventions would be educating a patient regarding their ability to call for assistance if they are not able to move around safely on their own.

These subjects are broad, as each sector contains 30 sub-section classes, followed by intervention lists. As of 2019, there are a total of 554 classified interventions. 

Nursing interventions
